Don Bosco has 113 TVET centers that are spread across 15 provinces and 34 countries. Each center is managed by a director and a principal. The director takes care of the day to day administrative running of these institutions while principals take care of the academic duties of these centers. Each center offers a number of TVET related courses which span from different fields including: Engineering, Building and Construction, Entrepreneurship among others.

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Country Enrolment(Y1) Enrolment(Y2) Enrolment(Y3) Graduates(Grad Last 3 Yrs) Formal Employed Self Employed Not Employed
Angola [gravitymath scope="form" id="1"] {Enrolment Y2:58.3:sum} [/gravitymath] [gravitymath scope="form" id="1" filter="filter_59=Angola"] {Enrolment Y2:58.3:sum} [/gravitymath] [gravitymath scope="form" id="1" filter="filter_59=Angola"] {Enrolment Y3:58.4:sum} [/gravitymath] [gravitymath scope="form" id="1" filter="filter_59=Angola"] {No. Graduates 3 yrs ago:58.5:sum} [/gravitymath] [gravitymath scope="form" id="1" filter="filter_59=Angola"] {Formal Employment:58.6:sum} [/gravitymath] [gravitymath scope="form" id="1" filter="filter_59=Angola"] {Self Employed:58.7:sum} [/gravitymath] [gravitymath scope="form" id="1" filter="filter_59=Angola"] {Not Employed:58.8:sum} [/gravitymath]